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MN01 - The map of BUCEGI-LEAOTA Mountains

23,80 RON

Where to buy


The Bucegi-Leaota Mountains are bordered to the north by Barsa Depression; to the east by Postavaru, Piatra Mare and Baiului Mountains through the following valleys: Raul Mare, Rasnoavei and Prahova; to the south by the Curvature Subcarpathians; to the west by the Iezer Massif and Piatra Craiului Mountains through Dambovita Valley and the Rucar-Bran Corridor.

The geology of the massifs is clearly reflected in their landscape. The Bucegi Massif has conglomerates and limestones deposited on crystalline schists, and therefore it appears as a suspended syncline called the Bucegi Plateau, with conglomeratic formations. It has significant heights such as Omu Peak (2,505 m), Bucsoiu Peak (2,492 m), Costila Peak (2,490 m), Scara Peak (2,422 m) and others. The Leaota Massif, mostly composed of crystalline schists, has a gentle landscape with high peaks, reaching heights of 2,133 m (Leaota Peak), 2,005 m (Rateiul Peak).

The Bucegi-Leaota Mountains is an area frequently visited by tourists. In the summer, you can reach the Sphinx, Babele (Old Ladies) and Ciupercile (The Mushrooms) conglomeratic formations; the Cross of the Heroes of the Nation below Caraiman Peak; and other specific limestone tourist attractions: Ialomita Cave with Pestera Orthodox Hermitage, Ursilor, Cocorei, Horoaba, Coteanului, Tatarului, Zanoagei, Orzei gorge sections. In winter, the ski areas of Sinaia and Busteni await tourists. The area called Abruptul Prahovean has countless climbing routes.

The map of Bucegi-Leaota Mountains (MN01) is the 1st map of the new Muntii Nostri collection.

The map was edited using the latest mapping techniques and it was printed on moisture resistant paper. It is easy to read and simple to use due to the mapping styles, specific to Schubert & Franzke company, and as a result of practical information structuring. It is handy and everything is exactly where it should be. The map is useful for both hiking enthusiasts and professionals.

The Bucegi Plateau area was digitized at a more detailed scale: 1 : 25 000.

All the trails have been recorded in the field using a GPS. They are described in detail in both Romanian and English. Each trail has a technical box containing with necessary information. The map also contains the UTM grid, a projected coordinate metric system useful in the quick measurement of distances on the map.

The application created for iOS and Android will dissipate the nostalgic aura of the map, giving the product the technical complexity required for this century.

Enjoy this map up on the sunny peaks of Bucegi-Leaota Mountains, scrutinizing the horizon for the neighboring peaks, which will soon give the names of the following maps of Muntii Nostri hiking map collection.

Where to buy

Stores and book-stores where you can buy the map:


VERSUM NOVEL SRL, Libraria Librim, Sf. Gheorghe, Strada Gróf Mikó Imre 7, 0743 244 269

Librăria AGIR, Bdul. Dacia nr.26, Sector 1, București, telefon 021/319.49.45, www.agir.ro

Libraria Gaudeamus, Cluj Napoca, str. Iuliu Maniu nr. 3, 0264439281

Libraria Flower Power, Sinaia, Str. Carol I, nr. 45 , Brasov

Libraria St. O. Iosif,  Brasov, str. Muresenilor nr.14, 0268477799

Librariile Ralu, Brasov, str. Muresenilor nr. 12 , 0268510013

Magazin Matop, Cluj Napoca, str. Sighisoarei nr. 11, ap.25 demisol, 0264436343

Magazin Nootka, Cluj Napoca, str. Dacia nr.1, 0264433946 www.nootkasport.ro

Magazin Nootka, Bucuresti, Strada Patriei nr. 3 , 0729-666.852, www.nootkasport.ro

Libraria Mihai Eminescu, Bucuresti, Bulevardul Regina Elisabeta, nr. 16 . 0213142383

Magazin Montrek Sport, Bucuresti, Str. Dr. Raureanu nr. 8 , 0213159258

Humanitas, lantul de librarii, in toate sediile Libraria Humanitas

Libraria Aletheia, Strada Mihai Eminescu nr 4-5. Bistrita, 0263-233419

Libraria Donaris, str. Smardan nr. 47, jud. Galati, 0236411790

Grupul Librarium sediu Central: Bucuresti, Splaiul Independentei nr. 315-319, 0213142010

Libraria Hyperion, Strada 1 Decembrie 1918 , Sighisoara, 0265 772 044

Cărturești, sediu Central:str. Pictor Arthur Verona nr. 15, corp A

Magazin Pro Alpin, Brasov, str. De Mijloc nr. 6

Alpin Expe SRL Oradea str. Mihail Kogalniceanu nr. 66

Pravalia cu Carti, Constanta B-dul Tomis nr. 307,0752119119

Magazin Sport Virus, Brasov, str. G. Baritiu nr. 24

Magazin Himalaya, Brasov Strada Republicii 23, Brașov, 0268 477 855

Magazin Maia Outdor, Strada Alexandru Lăpușneanu 58, Piatra Neamț, 0732 004 004

Libraria Libris Eminescu, Strada 22 Decembrie 1989, Târgu Mureș, 0265 211 629

Libraria AGIR, Bdul. Dacia nr.26, Sector 1, Bucuresti. 021/319.49.45

MG Net Distribution, București, str. Mihailescu Vintiulă nr 19 sector 6, mgnet.distribution@gmail.com, https://www.librariaonline.ro

Scopus, Târgu Mureș, Bulevardul 1 Decembrie 1918 nr 96,  0265 231 366

Arnika Libri, Odorheiul Secuiesc, str. Kossuth Lajos nr 13

Cami Invest, Alba Iulia, Bulevardul Hores nr 1 A

INSPIRATIO, Brașov, Strada Curtea Johannes Honterus nr 1, https://inspiratio.ro/

COMPACT SA, Brașov, Bulevardul Mihail Kogalniceanu nr 13 bl C2

Sport Guru, București, Bulevardul Unirii nr. 69, 0374 05 00 29, https://www.sportguru.ro/

Sport Guru, București, Șos. Pipera nr. 44, 0374 99 29 99, https://www.sportguru.ro/

Sport Guru, Cluj Napoca, Str. Ploiești nr. 39-45, 0374 027 028, https://www.sportguru.ro/

Sport Guru, Brașov, Str. Mihai Viteazu nr. 42, 0374 800 300, https://www.sportguru.ro/

Sport Guru, București, Mall Plaza Romania, Bulevardul Timișoara nr. 26, 0374 05 69 00, https://www.sportguru.ro/


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